For those of you who often read the various “Top Ten” articles that I commonly write, you will notice that I decided that the power of this article rests in the colorful image above. I created this image to convey paradoxically both the complexity and simplicity of why we gain weight. Weight gain is one of the most common topics that patients want to discuss at their appointments. From a fundamental standpoint, we have been taught to believe that the balance between calories consumed and calories burned is the simplistic solution to mastering weight loss. Most of us know differently. There is a weblike network of metabolic and genetic factors that combined with lifestyle play a critical role in how our weight is controlled. I liken it to a fingerprint – no two patients have the same. To better understand each patient’s metabolic “fingerprint”, we must look at the entire picture collectively so that individualized recommendations can be made to optimize the weight loss potential. It all starts with listening to each patient tell their story and then tailored lab testing will follow to help us identify the trouble spots. Personalized recommendations will then follow, but rest assured, we will walk the journey with you. That’s the Couri Center way. The solution is simple once it’s no longer complex. To learn more about weight loss and integrative health solutions at the Couri Center, schedule a consultation today! New patients are always welcome.
To Your Health,
Dr. Couri