The Couri Center team proudly welcomes Lauren Ponder, MSN, APN, FNP-C to our practice. We hope you enjoy learning more about her in the following interview:
What is one word you would use to describe yourself? Compassionate
What are you most proud of? The family my husband and I have created. How close I am with my parents and siblings.
How do you recharge? Quality family time. Taking breaks from social media and the internet. Working out and going out with family and friends.
Do you like to cook? I do like to cook, but my husband is the main cook in our house.
What is a favorite recipe? My mom’s cheesy potatoes.
Which sports teams do you root for? St. Louis Cardinals and Blues. Green Bay Packers.
If you were to tell one person “Thank You” for helping me become the person I am today, who would it be, and what did they do? Definitely my mom. She instilled the importance of hard work and perseverance to achieve anything I set my mind to. She and my dad ensured my sisters and I knew the importance of family values and putting God and our faith at the center of our lives.
When are you the happiest? When I am with my family, unplugged from the daily grind.
If you really knew me, you’d know…. I genuinely care about others and want to help people any way I can.
What would you most regret not having done by the end of your life? Not taking proper care of myself. Self-care is so essential in order to give the most of yourself to others.
What characteristic do you most admire in others? Loyalty
What are you most passionate about? My family, friends, and my work. I am so lucky to have a profession in which getting to know people and helping them on their journey is the focus of what we do.
What one memory do you most treasure? The birth of my son.
What would a “perfect” day look like for you? Waking up with family, exercising, getting outside, spending quality time with family and friends, and laughing a lot.
Why did you choose to be an Advanced Nurse Practitioner? My younger sister was very sick, growing up. I saw firsthand how much of an impact the nurses had on both my sister and my parents. I wanted to be able to help people in their times of need and knew that nursing was the best choice for me. I went on to be a nurse practitioner because I wanted more autonomy with those that I served. It has really allowed me to capitalize on my passion for serving others while allowing me to have more independence while doing so.
If you could volunteer your time, what would you do? Help children of high-risk families and schools.
Tell us about your favorite season? Summer. I love hot summer days/nights and the carefree feeling that comes specifically with this season. I love seeing kids out riding their bikes, swimming, and having fun.
What type of music do you enjoy? Honestly, all different types. I like different genres depending on what I am doing; driving, working out, relaxing, with friends, etc.
What is your least favorite exercise? Box Jumps! What’s your go-to exercise? My incline trainer. Good combo of cardio and resistance training.
Tell us some of your favorite books? The Secret. Unbroken. Same Kind of Different as Me.
What motivates you? My family. My passion for helping others. The idea of who I want myself to be in the future for my kids and one-day, grandkids.
We have so many wonderful patients here at the Couri Center. What would you most like to share with them? I genuinely want to help you meet whatever health or life goals you have. I am very invested in my patients; their lows are my lows, and their highs are my highs.
I look forward to serving you and going on this journey together.
Lauren Ponder, MSN, APN, FNP-C