June 27, 2022

Ten Important Bone Facts Every Adolescent Should Know By Dr. Michele Couri, MD, FACOG, ABIHM
- The adolescent years are a very important time for acquiring peak bone mass which is a major determinant of future bone health.
- The essential variable for lifelong skeletal health is bone mass accrued in early life.
- Every 10% increase in bone mass during adolescence potentially reduces the risk of fractures by 50%.
- Bone deposition starts in utero, accelerates during adolescence, and peaks by the age of 30.
- Approximately 40% of adult bone mass is accrued during adolescence, primarily within 2 years of adolescents’ “peak growth spurt,” otherwise known as peak height velocity.
- 95% of peak bone mass has been achieved by the age of 19, with a minimal increase in bone mass thereafter.
- Once peak bone mass is achieved, there is a slow but steady decline in net bone mass until menopause.
- Modifiable factors related to achieving optimal peak bone mass involve nutrition and include maintaining healthy body weight, having a daily dietary intake of at least 1,300 mg/day of calcium and 600 IU Vitamin D, along with consuming a wide variety of vegetables and fruits.
- Other important factors for adolescent bone health include partaking in weight-bearing exercise, avoidance of both smoking and excessive alcohol use, and limiting soda consumption.
- Contraceptives affect bone mass differently, so evaluating all risks and benefits based on an individual’s personal and family history is very important.
We are proud to provide Central Illinois females with a wellness-based, individualized approach to optimal health and well-being during every stage of life. To schedule, call 309-692-6838 or request an appointment online. We’re here to help. New patients are always welcome!
To Your Health,
Dr. Couri
Source Used:
Neville Golden, MD. Bones and Birth Control in Adolescent Girls. Pediatric Adolesc Gynecol 33, Issue 3 (2020); 249-254.