Twenty-one years ago as a third-year medical student on Labor and Delivery, I met a seasoned nurse who taught me all she knew about how to take care women in labor. She had patience beyond measure and a gentle soul whose compassion and generosity guide her life’s path. We became friends and watched each other’s careers progress. She went on to become a nurse midwife and I an obstetrician/gynecologist. After she graduated the nurse midwifery program at the University of Illinois, she came to work for me in 2004. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for all that she has done for me and for our patients. Sue Lang, RN, CNM truly has a gift – she gives without taking, she loves without judging, and she puts all others before herself. She has taught me many life lessons over the years, but the one thing that I will never forget about Sue is her unwavering faith in God. She has taught all of us to never forget the Golden Rule – treat others, as you would like to be treated. Sue treated all of her patients with the utmost respect and love. This June, Sue will retire from a long and successful career that allowed her to follow her calling of caring for patients at their most vulnerable times. I have dreaded this day for a long time, as I know deep in my heart that there will never be another Sue in my life. My gratitude to her is endless, and I wish her all the best in her retirement.
-Dr. Couri
It’s hard to say goodbye, so we celebrate Sue with this inspirational interview:
Where are you from? I am from South Dakota and grew up on a farm.
How long have you been married? I have been married to my husband for 49 years.
What was your first job like and what did you like about it? I herded cattle for my uncle for a summer where I got to ride my horse all day.
What inspired you to pursue a career in women’s health? I became interested in nursing when a nurse delivered my first baby.
When did you begin your career in healthcare? I became a nurse after I had my third child.
How did you come to work for the Couri Center? I knew Dr. Couri from by time as a nurse in labor and delivery. I interviewed with Dr. Couri after I finished midwifery school in 2003.
Favorite movie? My favorite movie is the Sound of Music.
Favorite vacation spot? Home
Favorite part about your work here at the Couri Center? I have met very wonderful patients and have been able to help with their care.
What are you passionate about? God.
Best advice to career women? Seek what you dream about and then go after it.
What’s on your bucket list? I would like to see the national parks and spend time with my grandchildren.
What makes you laugh? My grandchildren, (I have 9 ages 2-21).
Fill in the blank: I cannot live without? God
Words of Wisdom to your grandchildren and future generations? Be kind; love one another, pray and thank God for our many blessings.
As you reflect on your career, women’s healthcare, and your many wonderful patients, what would you most like to share? Thank you for allowing me to participate in your health care.
What makes you laugh? My grandchildren, (I have 9: ages 2-21).
Fill in the blank: I cannot live without? God
Words of Wisdom to your grandchildren and future generations? Be kind; love one another, pray and thank God for our many blessings.
As you reflect on your career, women’s healthcare, and your many wonderful patients, what would you most like to share? Thank you for allowing me to participate in your health care.
-Sue Lang, MS, APN, CNM