Cheers to 10 -Years! Registered Dietitian, Leslie Rusch-Bayer, celebrates 10-years at the Couri Center!
Leslie specializes in weight loss, food sensitivities, chronic disease, functional training, and wellness. She enjoys working with women of all ages and truly understands many of the struggles women face on a day-to-day basis. Leslie works in conjunction with Dr. Couri and all the providers at the Couri Center to offer our TLC™: Total Lifestyle by Couri integrative wellness programs. She knows that just making a few small changes each day can have a dramatic impact on one’s life.
What made you apply for your job at the Couri Center?
My employment at the Couri Center was a complete God-made event in my life. A mutual acquaintance introduced Dr. Couri and me. At that time, I was working in the fitness industry, and I had found I had grown out of my current job. I sought a more challenging and fulfilling career and was interested in transferring to the medical field. Dr. Couri and I started talking and found many of our goals aligned. I joined the Couri Center team shortly after.
Do you remember your first day?
I remember being excited and terrified! I was so young! My position was entirely new for the Couri Center, which was daunting, but this allowed me to use my creativity to create and develop the materials and programs we still offer today!
What has been your most significant achievement/success?
So much has happened over the last ten years. Passing my RD boards was a massive achievement. I cannot even count the hours spent studying for that exam. Recently, I completed my Master’s Degree. I know this made my mom and dad incredibly proud! In the medical and nutritional field, I understand the value of continued education. It is necessary to stay abreast with current research and trends. I hope never to stop learning.
What’s your favorite part of the job?
I have two favorites that stand out. First, I love walking in the door every morning. The Couri Center is a tight-knit family. Every person who works here is a part of my extended family. We all celebrate birthdays, babies, weddings, holidays, etc. Part of the reason my job is so fulfilling is because of the people who work here.
The second favorite part of my job is my patients. Through the highs and the lows, I am with my patients through every step of their personal wellness journey. I am hoping I have taught my patients half of what they have taught me over the years. I do not think it is possible to count the number of tears, screams, high-fives, and laughter that have all occurred in my office.
What’s your favorite Couri Center memory of the last ten years?
Oh! There are so many! The funniest memory occurred on a work trip to Minocqua, Wisconsin, and involved an exploding dishwasher! 🙂